I have a formulations problem and would very much appreciate any help.

In the file attached file TEST.xls there are main objects (Home) and within them there are two other objects (Cats and Dogs). Each of the objects (Home,Cat,Dog) has an area in m and a Home ID.

My question is to calculate the total sum of area in m taken by cats from all the homes that have cats only and a total sum of area taken by cats from the homes that have both cats and dogs.

This could be done by combining conditional sum (IF Name = "Cat*" and SUM column "Area" to get total cat area) and subtotal (at each home ID change to get sum of cat and dog areas) functions in Excel. I've spend days trying to make it work.

The provided example is rather short abbreviation. True files deals with hundreds of "Homes".

Any suggestions are very much appreciated!

