I have a large data set (over 25K lines) containing H, M, or L - I need to calculate the median of these. If I recall correctly, Median only calculates on numerical values, is this correct? Can you anyone please help with a formula on this??
I have a large data set (over 25K lines) containing H, M, or L - I need to calculate the median of these. If I recall correctly, Median only calculates on numerical values, is this correct? Can you anyone please help with a formula on this??
Can you post a sample workbook?
Column A Column BColumn C
H 1 H
M 2 M
L 3 L
H 4 H
M 5 M
L 1 L
H 2 H
M 3 M
L 4 L
H 5 H
M 1 M
L 2 L
H 3 H
M 4 M
L 5 L
H 1 H
M 2 M
L 3 L
H 4 H
M 5 M
L 1 L
H 2 H
M 3 M
L 4 L
Median? Median? median?
=MEDIAN(IF(A1:A25000="H",B1:B2500)) For H
=MEDIAN(IF(A1:A25000="L",B1:B2500)) for L
=MEDIAN(IF(A1:A25000="M",B1:B2500)) for M.
all three of the above equation are confirmed with ctrl+Shift+Enter. They are array equations.
Adjust range to fit your data.
The problem I am running into is that none of the columns are dependent upon each other - meaning Column B has nothing to do with column A. They are all independent of each other. The H,M,L columns is not weighted.
Do you think its possible to just take the median of each separately, Vandan?
To best describe or illustrate your problem you would be better off attaching a dummy workbook. The workbook should contain the same structure and some dummy data of the same type as the type you have in your real workbook - so, if a cell contains numbers & letters in this format abc-123 then that should be reflected in the dummy workbook.
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Regards, Jeff
What numeric value does H, M, L represent? I don't think I understand the question completely. How do you take medium of letters?
Median is the middle value as you point out and yes it requires numerical data.
For non-numaric data, I guess you can assign 1 to L 2 to M and 3 to H
Column D would be: =if(b2 = ""L",1,if(B2="M",2,3))
then median would be
It represents a risk. High Medium or Low. They are not tied to a number. So for example 20 different risk ratings high med or low. Whats the average risk?
=INDEX({"L","M","H"},ROUND(MEDIAN(IF(B1:B25000 ="L",1,IF(B1:B25000 ="M",2,3))),0))
confirmed with ctrl+shift+enter
Vandan - is there a way to keep this formula static, so when I am sorting by another column, its still calculates the median based on my sort?
>>calculates the median based on my sort
I do not understand. Median calculation is not impacted by / does not require sorting.
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