Hi, hoping someone can help me out. I have about 120 invididual workbooks, each of which has a schedule in it with a rage of values for different dates. I'm trying to do a formula to summarise the information, so I've pulled all of the workbook names into one sheet and I then want to pull all the values for the next 12 months into one cell, the values for 1 to 5 years into another cell and the values over 5 years into another cell.
So, summary sheet has:
Worksheet ref--------< 12 months--------1 - 5 years--------> 5 years
And I need to pull summed values into the < 12 months, 1-5 years and > 5 years columns. In each worksheet I have for example:
In Worksheet A:
Jul-12 6543
Aug-12 8234
Sep-12 7123
So far, the formula I have is:
Where $K$19 = Jul-12
and A30 = the Worksheet ref (e.g. "A")
How do I change this formula so it will sum a number of values, i.e. so the above formula will lookup and sum all values for Jul-12 to Jun-13 (without doing + as I will have 48 values to sum in the next column 1-5 years)?
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for your help.