Hi everyone!

I apologize for this one, please bear we me. I have numerous questions to what I made in my file. Listed below as follows:

1. Removing / making the result invisible if value is zero.
• How to formulae or add another formula if I have this existing formula:

And with this one:

2.How to add the formula for this kind of problem? I need to add the following columns of:G20,H20,J20,K20,M20,N20,P20 and Q20

my formula is =IF(OR(WEEKDAY(A20)=1,WEEKDAY(A20)=7),"",IF(OR($B20="",$C20=""),1,""))

3.For Overtime issues my conditions are: What will be my formula this kind of conditions? my regular working hours is 8:00 to 17:00
If weekdays (Monday to Friday) overtime starts at 6pm with a minimum claim of 1hr
If weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) break (12-1pm) is not paid
If holiday column S is tagged overtime is counted (still break at 12-1pm is not paid)

4.Conditional formatting: if holiday column S is tagged the row must be highlighted. How can I do this?

5.Formula for the tardiness counter (per day violation) with existing formula. do i need to add another columns for this one?

Any advise or suggestion will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.