I'll start off by posting a small sample of data taken from a database in a csv file
2012-09-05 13:40:57.847 Cutlery 27 0 36780
2012-09-05 13:37:30.187 Cutlery 76 0 36779
2012-09-05 13:32:01.933 Cold Larder 595 171 36776
2012-09-05 13:32:01.933 Cutlery 403 0 36776
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Assembler 758 0 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Assembler Spy 758 0 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Cutlery 407 0 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Expo 1038 0 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Expo 1038 758 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Hot Larder 733 188 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Pizza Collect 720 0 36778
2012-09-05 13:21:41.380 Pizza Order 345 0 36778
2012-09-05 13:14:54.567 Assembler 980 0 36777
2012-09-05 13:14:54.567 Assembler Spy 980 0 36777
2012-09-05 13:14:54.567 Cold Larder 965 0 36777
2012-09-05 13:14:54.567 Cutlery 234 0 36777
2012-09-05 13:14:54.567 Expo 995 0 36777
2012-09-05 13:14:54.567 Expo 995 980 36777
2012-09-05 13:14:09.727 Assembler 477 0 36775
The first column obviously displays the date & time.
The second column displays the computer screen where orders are displayed in a kitchen
The third column displays the time (in seconds) that it took to finish/remove an order from the particular computer screen
The fourth column is similar to the above
The fifth is the transaction number for the order
What I am tasked with creating is to display the information like below:
The data first needs to be split into meal periods - morning, afternoon, evening and All Day using the date time column.
Then for each of the kitchen screens, for each of the meal periods, the average time in the third column needs to be worked out, then a count has to be made (how many times it appears on the list within the meal period).
The CSV is automatically generated at 23:00 to the C:\ drive of the server, and is then automatically refreshed on Excel when opened in another sheet of the same workbook named "data".
If anyone could point me in the right direction, or to start me off with a basic way of achieving the above, that would be greatly appreciated.
I have little experience with Excel formulas and have two days to complete!