Hi all,
I know how to calculate a big sum using the first and last item, like =SUM(E1:E300)
Is there a similar way to calculate a big sum of IF(INDEX) functions that are aligned in a predictable pattern, without typing each one individually?
One item would be =IF($A$1<>0,INDEX(Sheet1!$B:W,Sheet2!$A$1,Sheet2!$K$1,0)
Two items would be =SUM(IF($A1<>0,INDEX(Sheet1!$B:$W,Sheet2!$A1,Sheet2!$K$1,0)
+ IF($A2<>0,INDEX(Sheet1!$B:$W,Sheet2!$A2,Sheet2!$K$1,0)
Three items would be the above plus the next item would have A3 instead of A1 or A2.
I would like a function that sums 3000 of the items, so that I only have to type in the first and last. Does such a function exist?
For example:
=A SUM FUNCTION I DON'T KNOW(IF($A1<>0,INDEX(Sheet1!$B:W,Sheet2!$A1,Sheet2!$K$1,0):IF($A3000<>0,INDEX(Sheet1!$B:W,Sheet2!$A3000,Sheet2!$K$1,0)