Hey All,
I am trying to create a fantasy football draft day guide. I have copy and pasted off of the internet of all the players complete with hyperlinks. I have also gotten a hold of the average draft position of each player from mock drafts completed around the country. What I want to do is take that number and convert it to which corresponding round it equates to in a 12-team league. For instance, say a certain players average draft position (ADP) 13, i want to create a formula that would indicate convert the ADP to something like "Early 2nd Round", or perhaps "2.1" (meaning the 1st pick in the second round). Or say a certain players ADP is 26, an outcome of "Early 3rd round", or perhaps 3.2 (2nd pick in the 3rd round).
Seeing as though my list has over +250 players, it will be WAY to tedious to do it manually for each player, A nice click and drag formula would be awesome. I fiddled around with the If/Then function, but it is more than 7 outcomes, so it won't work. I also tried the LOOKUP function, but that doesn't seem to work so well as the Lookup_vector always rounds down to the closest Lookup_value and produces an incorrect result.
Perhaps a simple math formula, but I can't get my head wrapped around the arithmetic.
Any thoughts?