ok, so here is my problem, I have 2 tables of data in a single sheet (table 1 = columns A&B) Table 2 = columns G&H), I have 2 additional columns in table 1 (C&D) that I need to add a forumla to based on results of some form of Lookup of table 2.

I have attached a spreadsheet with my data, and here is wehat I need:

I need to add formulas to column C to check that if the Test case ID in column A is found in column G, AND result Mode in column H = 'Run on Landscape' this will add a 'Yes' to column C; and also then add a formula to column D to check that if the testcase in Column A is found in column G AND result mode in Column H = 'Run on Portrait' this will add a 'Yes' to column D. If no match is found then 'No' should be added to each column/cell.

I have gone round in circles with this all day: VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, IF, nested VLOOKUP, etc, and am coming up with nothing that is working for me. Can you help??TestCaseResults.xlsx