I have a workbook used for data management, which operates over 5 weeks.
What I am trying to do is indicate which week is being worked on.
For instance if week one commenced on 5/8/2012, then in cell A1 it would say (W/C and (MM/DD/YY)). Then on 12/8/12 it would change to reflect that date. I used this formula for this process ((TODAY())-WEEKDAY((TODAY()),1)+1) so that every week the week commencing would change, and this works fine. It's the next part that baffles me.

In cell A2 I want it to say "Week 1" when A1 says 5/8/2012, and "Week 2" when A1 says 12/8/12 and so on until when cell A1 reads 2/9/12 cell A2 reads "Week 5". However, upon A1 reading 9/9/12 (week 6) cell A2 should read "Week 1" again until week 5 with this cycle repeating itself perpetually.

Please help as I've tried lots of different combinations to no avail.