Hi hope you're are doing better that I am. My issue is breaking a text string that is separated with periods ex. I.Want.To.Separate.This.String

I need the original string and I have separated the first two words using the following formulas

1st column
=IFERROR((LEFT(A3,(SEARCH(".",A3))-1)), A3)
This would be "I"

2nd Column
This would be "Want"

but after that all my formulas return a insufficient value like "To.Separate" for the third column. I also only want to go to four columns in this exercise, so an "I", "Want", "To", "Separate" individual columns. how do I finish this off?

My third column is =IFERROR((TRIM((MID(MID(A5,FIND(".",A5)+1,255),FIND(".",MID(A5,FIND(".",A5)+1,255))+1,FIND(".",MID(A5,FIND(".",A5)+1,255)))))),A5)

If that helps any.

Thanks guys you do awesome work!