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Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

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  1. #1
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    Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    I have a column of data which has been entered as numbers and then formatted to show the relevant currency for that amount.
    e.g. [$AUD]#,##0.00 for Australian Dollars; [$EUR]#,##0.00 for Euro; etc.
    See the attachment.

    I need to determine the total amount for each currency.

    The approach I have thought of is to add a "currency" column and then calculate the totals with using the sumif function.

    My stumbling block is extracting the currency code from the formatting.
    Anyone have an idea on how I can do it with a formula - as I do not fancy having to do 1300 rows by hand!
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  2. #2
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    You can't do this just using formula, because there isn't a formula to pick up another cell's number format.

    If you add this little bit of VB code to a module in your workbook:

    Function SUMIFFORMAT(SumRange As Range, FormatPrefix As String) As Double
    Dim rngLoop As Range
    Dim dTotal As Double
    dTotal = 0
    For Each rngLoop In SumRange.Cells
      If UCase(Left(rngLoop.Text, Len(FormatPrefix))) = UCase(FormatPrefix) Then
        dTotal = dTotal + rngLoop.Value
      End If
    Next rngLoop
    SUMIFFORMAT = dTotal
    End Function
    You'll have a new worksheet function - SUMIFFORMAT

    I put the list of currencies in B2:B4 and then in C2 I put the formula:


    And copied down to C4.

    Does that help you?

  3. #3
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    Or, you can use a macro to write the currency codes into a new column:

    Sub test()
    Dim rngNumbers As Range
    Dim cel As Range
    Dim strFormat As String
    Set rngNumbers = Range("A2:A15")
    For Each cel In rngNumbers
        strFormat = cel.NumberFormat
        cel.Offset(0, 1) = Mid(strFormat, 3, 3)
    Next cel
    End Sub
    Adjust ranges to suit.

    Then you can use a pivot table or the usual suspects (Sumif, Sumifs, etc) to aggregate the data.

    This macro only needs to run once and you don't have to save the file as a macro-enabled workbook after you've run it, since the values will now be stored in the cells.
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    Surely it must be easier for you to use a seperate column with data validation lists allowing AUD, EUR, or USD?
    As it stands you have to change the formats for each individual entry, that must be tiresome!

    See this workbook
    1/. Specify the currency for each entry from the drop-downs in Column A

    2/. Select the currency to sum from the drop-downs in D2
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  5. #5
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    Marcol, I may be wrong, but I read the question as the data being present with the format in place (obviously created by someone with too much time on their hands) and the predicament is not about formatting the numbers as a currency, but extracting the currency out of the already formatted numbers.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    Okay, maybe I missed the point ...

    Try this UDF
    In a Standard Module
    Function GetFormat(rng As Range)
        GetFormat = Mid(rng.NumberFormat, 3, 3)
    End Function
    Enter in B2, Drag/Fill Down as required.
    Formula: copy to clipboard

    In the sheet module, this will format the result in D3
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Target.Address(0, 0) = "D2" Then
            Select Case Target
                Case "AUD", "USD", "EUR"
                    Range(Target.Address).Offset(1, 0).NumberFormat = "[$" & Target & "] #,##0.00"
                Case Else
                    Range(Target.Address).Offset(1, 0).NumberFormat = "General"
            End Select
        End If
    End Sub
    Select from the drop-down in D2
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  7. #7
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    @ npamcpp

    Your abolutely right, every cell has been manually formatted, and if changes are needed you have to reformat the cells.
    There's no pattern to the formatting!

    How awkward and error prone is that?

    Combine that with the fact that formulae can't detect formatting, then you'll see that this is a very convoluted way to do a very simple job.

  8. #8
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    Re: Need to Sum data by Number Format Code

    I agree. But maybe the asker is not in a position to change that. You know as well as I do that sometimes people get served with spreadsheets and need to run with what's there. So they come here for help.

    Lately, I feel that this forum is declining, though. Members are being stalked and personal details are being published without the member's consent. A certain moderator is on a power trip.

    A much safer and much more pleasant site for Office related questions is The Code Cage. Sign up and enjoy. Most ex-moderators of this forum are active there. And happy.

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