I'm struggling to find the right If equation. Worksheet1 has text entered into numerous cells by the user. Worksheet2 builds on the first, leaving the original data intact and building on it. I would like the information entered in Worksheet1 to appear in the worksheet2, exactly as it appears on worksheet1.

I originally used a simple ='worksheetname'!cell number

This worked great unless the cell was empty where Excel would then enter a "0". I need the cell to be left blank.

So I tried ==IF(('worksheetname'!cell number=""), "","('worksheetname'!cell number)")
That gave me a blank cell when there was no data in Worksheet1's cell. Perfect. Except, now when there was text, it would only enter the text:

'worksheetname'!cell number

I tried taking out the quotes, but received and error. I tried it without the quotes and parens, still no good. How do I now get the text from worksheet1 to appear, when it is not blank!

Any helps if truly appreciated!!