Hello. I need help on learning how to get corresponding information to show when choosing from drop down list.
On the first sheet I have an area where I put I list of teams with their information. Part of the information I would like to have for each team is an option to choose a player on the team from a drop down list and based on who I choose from the list, their information should appear next to their name. I already have the drop down list developed in the sheet. How can I get the information from sheet 2 (called team players,handicaps) to appear in sheet 1 (called team and sponsor info) when choosing from the drop down list.

I have attached the excel file to this message to show you what I mean. The drop down list is on sheet 1 H3 and I would like the information for each player (handicap and phone number) from sheet 2 to pop up next to the players name on sheet 1.

SilverTee Team and Sponsor Info.xlsx