
I am using a combination of Index and Match to search an array on a separate worksheet called 'Stress Index'. The value I am searching for is a combination of letters and numbers (ex. HPF-20-AS-201) and am returning the corresponding value in column C of the array. This is my function:

=INDEX('Stress Index'!$C$10:$U$76,MATCH(T3,'Stress Index'!$U$10:$U$76,0),1)

It is working, however in the array I am searching some cells have more text than just the part I am searching for in them, and it is not working for those ones. To clarify please refer to the following picture:

Excel question.JPG

If I searched for 'FG-6-BL-201' It would return the value in Column C of row 39. However if I searched for 'LPF-8-AS-201' it will not find that value where it should in Row 44. It returns #N/A in this instance.

Is there a way to search within a cell to find the correct string? Or maybe make it so that the search value doesn't have to match exactly to get a result?

Thanks in advance for any help.