Hi all,

First post on here, but I have read other answers on here, and you all seem very helpful and intelligent!

I have been tasked by a Director to create a spreadsheet that decides if a date is compliant or not... For it to be compliant, it has to be within 10 months of the last accounts done. So, I have managed to do a (relatively) simple " =DATE(YEAR(D2),MONTH(D2)+10,DAY(D2)) " to work out when they would stop being compliant, however, what I want to know now is how to make a formula that would tell me if that date was after the current, for example, if the date was: "30/07/2012" it would say "No" however, if it were "31/10/2012" it would return a "Yes".

Looking forward to testing out what I am sure will be all of your very smart and rapid responses and suggestions.

Many thanks,