Good Evening
I require an Index match formula to be able to search for two criteria 1. someones Name 2. The Date
I have a master data file where the different bits of information are seperated out in different tabs but have pretty much the same format in each one, I have attached the workbooks I am using so you can see what I am trying to achieve.
But for example
I want a formula in Cell C31 of the team daily stats workbook to look for Agent Chris ollerhead and the date 02/01/13 in the Nuber of calls tab in the agent master data workbook and return the answer 24 and then for the 03/01/13 the answer should be 35.
I want to do this for the Not Ready tab, the Log In tab & the Log out tab, the other fields get entered manually.
Here is the code I entered but it doesnt seem to work
=INDEX(INDEX('[Agent Master Data.xlsm]Number Of Calls'!$A$3:$ZZ$220,0,MATCH(C$1,'[Agent Master Data.xlsm]Number Of Calls'!$1:$1,0)+1),MATCH($A$30,INDEX('[Agent Master Data.xlsm]Number Of Calls'!$A$3:$ZZ$220,0,MATCH(C$1,'[Agent Master Data.xlsm]Number Of Calls'!$1:$1,0)),0))
any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated as I just cant see what I am doing wrong here