I THINK this should be a simple formula, but I'm not good at formulas.
I have a tiny group of three rows x two columns. The first column is my "In" time and the second column is my "OUT" time.
Into these cells I enter a staffperson's In/Out times scheduled for a single day, and may only use one row or may use all three. In/OUT times can also be entered in any order. So a correct version would be:
This would be okay
9:00 / 11:00
11:00 / 5:00
This would be okay, even though time is not entered in order of earliest to latest
11:00 / 3:00
9:00 / 11:00
4:00 / 5:00
This I'd want CF to highlight something because there is a time overlap
11:00 / 5:00
9:00 / 12:00
- These same 6 cells are repeated for each staff person for every day of a month, but if I can get a formula for one set, I can paste the format throughout.
So I GUESS if any of my IN or OUT times are BOTH <= than the other OUT times in its group, and >= than the other IN times in that group. I THINK that's how it would go.