Hi guys, I'm new here in this forum, and I guess I'd be needing some help with my current problem in excel. I need a formula that will look up a reference from another sheet and display or return values of cells that are NOT EMPTY (and will skip empty cells). its will be like a viewing page where the user is to type only the id number of a person then it will automatically display information as illustrated below:

reference is ID Number: 123, formula will look for this id number into another sheet where data is listed as follows:

ID NO: date 1 date 2 date 3 date4
111 Absent tardy
123 tardy Absent
245 tardy Absent tardy

I hope to find a formula where in reference to the ID number, it will only show data from cells that are NOT EMPTY and will look like this:

ID NO: 123

date 2 tardy
date 3 Absent

*it should skip /not display dates with empty cells which for that specific id number is date1 and date4.

thanks guys, i really cant figure out.