Okay, the attached file illustrates what I described in outline earlier. You can record dates, names and leave type in the Leave_booker sheet. The entries can be in any order (you can see that I've added holidays after your sample data), but you must have a single entry for each date, as can be seen for Sharon's extra days. I've set up the formula in column A so that only entries with a "v" in the leave_type column will be displayed on the calendar, but other leave types will be counted in the stats table at the bottom of the calendar. The formula in column A is copied down to row 300, but you can copy this further if you wish.
In the calendar sheet itself you can select the month in K5 and the year in K6, and the calendar will automatically adjust itself and display up to 12 names per day for those entries in the leave_booker sheet that have a leave_type of "v". In addition, there is a summary sheet below the calendar which shows the stats for the currently selected month - these formulae look at data up to row 300, so if you have more you will need to adjust the ranges in the formula.
Hope this helps.