
Probably a very poor description in the title and i know this is easy to do but having complete memory blank of how to do it or even describe it!

I have a spreadsheet which shows me things like customer name, date of booking, description, product code of what product range they are buying, Quantity of people.
Basically i need to summarise how many people in total are buying what product range.


Prod ¦ People
A ¦ 120
B ¦ 200
C ¦ 230
B ¦ 50
B ¦ 100
A ¦ 160

So i need an easy way to get the following result:

A ¦ 280
B ¦ 350
C ¦ 230

There are about 30 products and 1500 lines of data.

Any pointers greatly appreciated, can filter and do a SUM but know there is a simple way to do this.

Many thanks!