I am trying to set up a summary sheet that references two other sheets that are formatted exactly the same. one sheet is for forecasting and the other is actual data.
I have set it up so that the date travels across the page for an entire year. What I would like to do is have a summary sheet that lists two colomns side by side showing forecast and actual for each sunday in the year progressing across the page. I have about 15 rows of data I want to compare so don't want to manual refernece 52 x 2 x 2 cells (thats alot!), but I cannot work out how to autopopulate each alternating colomn of forecast data from the forecast sheet and actual data from the actual sheet. Can anyone help me please with a formula that i would be able to use that would auto populate for each sunday (weekending) across the colomns by clicking and dragging.
Cheers for any tips