hey all,

I know the title sounds like something easy, but I'm trying to compare 2 excel files and am having some trouble.

So basically, the first sheet will look like this:

    A                                          B
Smith, John A                          1234567986
Doe, Ben P                              2364563265
Fernandez Cortez, Jose M          2586543258

The second sheet looks like this:

      A      B                           C
John     Smith                   1234567986
Ben      Doe                      2364563263
Jose     Fernandez Cortez    2586543258
I figured I would have to remove the comma space and middle name from the first spreadsheet, but the hyphenated names are killing me! I've tried TRIM, MID, RIGHT, LEFT...I cant figure it out. I need to try and match the name in column A of first sheet with name of columns A&B of second sheet. Once I find a match for the people, I have to make sure B from first sheet matches C from second sheet. If it doesn't, I need it to let me know.

Thanks all, this is really twisting my brain