Hi all
I attach the workbook so you can see what I mean.
On my workbook I have a "Progress Report" and I have a "Transaction Progress" Sheet. The idea is that when I do a report, we see how many of the transactions are at which stage in it's progress, with projections of what will happen in the future. Apart from the numbers I want to allocate the actual figures to the "Progress Report" sheet as well. Somewhere I would like a cell that will basically count the sum of the currency values on the "Transaction Progress" sheet, but it will have to track by month:
Something like this: (not at all as a formula)
the sum of the currency values in the C row (Transaction Progress) of the date range 2012/02/01 to 2012/02/28 in the B row (Transaction Progress)
As a next step I would like to track the actual sales so it will be as above, but, ignore the rows with the FEB:Cancelled text in the E row (Transaction Progress)
Hope it makes sense
Any help with this will be appreciated, I think I need to use SUMPRODUCT