Hello everyone,

Just had a question on here but already I'm stumped again. I'm using conditional formatting to shade entire rows based on the text a given row contains in the E column. If "cash" is anywhere in the E column for that row the whole row turns yellow and if "check" is anywhere in the E column for that row the whole row turns green. Now I simply want all rows that aren't green or yellow to turn red. I was attempting to do this by negating what I used to achieve the yellow and green shading. For those I used =SEARCH("whatever",$E18) where whatever was really cash or check for the conditional formatting formula. For this, I was attempting to use =NOT(SEARCH(OR("cash","check"),$E18)). My thought was that if SEARCH found cash or check in that line it would return TRUE and then the NOT would negate it for so those lines would not be shaded, and if SEARCH didn't find cash or check in that cell then it would return a FALSE that would be negated by the not and so would be shaded. What am I missing?

Thanks again in advance.