Hello everyone!
First two hours in this forum and been working on this isue several days and are stuck!
I have build an work planing for my department and are very satifyed with the data it gives out regarding calculation of overal time for each of the employies and also for the data that i have extracted from this, but now to next stage. As you see I have two rows for each employ where the upper one is for shift that continues on next day and the lower one is for shift that are inside that actual day.
This exampe give one of eight work templates, the formula have to cover both ful rows.
I would like to sum the time between 18:00 and 21:00, those hours give 15 % compensation
I would like to sum the time between 21:00 to max 12:00 fowowing day, those hours give 40% compensation
I would like to sum the time between Saturday 06:00 to Saturday 18:00, those give 25% in compensation
I would like to sum the time between Saturday 18:00 to Sunday 24:00, those give 100 % in compensation.
One extra, there are holidays (probably different holiday list) that would be nice to incoporate, those holidays are diferent from year to year, for exaple Christmas eve.
Hopefully someone could shed some light on how to extract those hours, I am most pleased!