
I've created a formula that checks to see if there is data in certain cells, if all the cells don't have something in them, the user will get an error "You do not qualify for this expense"
1. Looks at cell BE3, to make sure it is NOT blank
2. Looks at cell BG3, to make sure it is NOT blank
3. Looks at cell BI3, to see if there is data in it and to see if user selected "US" or "Canada"
4. Looks at cell BR3, to see if there is data in it and to see if to see if the user selected "Yes" or No"

If the user has data in BE3 & BG3 and selects "US" in BI3 and "Yes" in BR3, they will get a message "You qualify for $25 per month"
If the user has data in BE3 & BG3 and selects "Canada" in BI3 and "Yes" in BR3, they will get a message "You qualify for $30 per month"

If any of the cells are empty, Or if they select "No" in cell BR4, they should get the message: "You do not qualify for this expense"
I have created the formula:

=IF(AND(BE3<>""),IF(OR(BG3<>""),IF(AND(BI3="us",BR3="yes"),"Up to $25 per month",IF(OR(BI3="canada",BR3="yes"),"Up to $30 per month"))),"You do not qualify for this expense")

I am getting the formula to work ALMOST correctly, when this happens:
If the user has data in BE3 & BG3 and selects "US" in BI3 and "Yes" in BR3, they will get a message "You qualify for $25 per month" - PERFECT!!
If the user has data in BE3 & BG3 and selects "Canada" in BI3 and "Yes" in BR3, they will get a message "You qualify for $30 per month" - PERFECT!!

But if...
If the user has data in BE3 & BG3 and selects "US" in BI3 and "No" in BR3, I get a message: "FALSE" - NOT PERFECT, but liveable!!

Or if...
If the user has data in BE3 & BG3 and selects "Canada" in BI3 and "No" in BR3, I get a message: "You qualify for $30 per month" - WRONG!
If there is no data in BG3: "FALSE" - NOT PERFECT, but liveable!!
If there is no data in BE3: "You do not qualify for this expense" - I want this message to show up each time, one of the boxes is blank, or "No" is selected

I know I have just something miswired... can anyone please help? I have been trying variations of this all day...