Hello, I am trying to create a formula which achieves the following:
link the first cell in a table (say, C3) to a cell (A1) in another worksheet (ie. C3='Worksheet 1!'A1) and the second cell (C4) in the table to cell A1 in worksheet 2, third (C5) to worksheet 3 etc.
(e.g. C4 =some sort of relation to C3 which means the modification to the formula each time it is copied down the column is to change the worksheet, though not the cell number, to which the cell is linked) in this way I am hoping to create an automatic link between C3 and Worksheet 1, C4 and worksheet 2, C5 and worksheet 3 etc.

I am creating a schedule each week of job interviews. Presently I am doing this by copying a template worksheet for each new schedule. Once interviews have been held I am entering the number of attendees and number of persons hired on the schedule worksheet. I am doing this for multiple cities. I then need to export this data to a new table which tracks the attendance and hiring patterns nationally.

With thanks.