I am using a formula that counts every 2nd cell in a row, this is what I use:
This works as expected, it sums any number in every 2nd row from J4 onwards (J4, L4, N4...etc)
What I want to do is run a similar formula that counts the other cells (K4, M4, O4...etc) but when I use the same formula only starting from K4 instead of J4 it doesn't work. I use this forumla:
It tells me that it omits adjacent cells (which I want it to as I don;t want it tallying J4) but then goes on to count cells L4, N4...etc instead of the K4, M4, O4 cells that I want summed.
I run the formula's in cells E4:=SUMPRODUCT((MOD(COLUMN(J4:SZ4),2)=0)*(J4:SZ4)) and F4:=SUMPRODUCT((MOD(COLUMN(K4:TA4),2)=0)*(K4:TA4)) though I doubt it makes a differnce where I run them from.
I have results in cells J4-AA4 that represent different data I want summed as two seperate results. Not sure what I am missing, can anyone set me straight please?