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Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

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  1. #1
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    Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

    Hi guys,

    I am struggling with a INDEX,MATCH and MAX formula. I am trying to retrive values from column E with two criterias:
    1. That the value in column C is equal to a lookup value
    2. That the date in column A is the closest before date for a lookup date

    I have attatched an example file that hopefully will explain better.

    I would really appreciate all help

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Bob Phillips's Avatar
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    Re: Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

    Try this array formula


    Cmmit with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not just Enter

  3. #3
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    Re: Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

    Thanks for answering!

    The formula works well for the sample sheet, but not with my original (much larger) dataset. It is not always the month and date values are available in both sheets. Therefor I try to search for the closest before date and not an exact match.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks again


  4. #4
    Forum Expert Bob Phillips's Avatar
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    Re: Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

    Quote Originally Posted by gnoke View Post
    Thanks for answering!

    The formula works well for the sample sheet, but not with my original (much larger) dataset. It is not always the month and date values are available in both sheets. Therefor I try to search for the closest before date and not an exact match.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks again

    Oh, I concluded that there were always dates for the 1st of each month, so I transformed the lookup dates.

  5. #5
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    Re: Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

    May I ask the question here?
    I have 2 sheets in excel with some data.
    I need to find a match between two columns in each sheet and then by the recent date criteria extract the data from the third column in first sheet.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru (RIP) Marcol's Avatar
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    Re: Find value in range with two criterias, INDEX MATCH MAX

    Your "Data" Sheet dates seem to consistantly be the first of the month, is this always the case?

    The dates in your "Test" Sheet are inconsistant, strings and real dates.
    Try in a spare column, say Column B
    In B8
    Drag/Fill Down
    Then in F8, this array formula
    Confirm with Ctr+Shift+Enter not just Enter.
    Drag/Fill Down
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