L5 needs to display 80 if k5 equals .1 to 4, 60 if k5 equals 4.1 to 8, 40 if it equals 8.1 to 12, 30 if 12.1 to 16, 20 if 16 +. i am new to excel, and i have excel 2000. it is driving me insaneplease help
L5 needs to display 80 if k5 equals .1 to 4, 60 if k5 equals 4.1 to 8, 40 if it equals 8.1 to 12, 30 if 12.1 to 16, 20 if 16 +. i am new to excel, and i have excel 2000. it is driving me insaneplease help
try this
=if(K5>16,20,if(k5>12.1,30,if(K5>8.1,40,if(k5>4.1,60,if(K5>.1,80,"Too Small")))))
Last edited by DGagnon; 03-14-2012 at 09:28 PM.
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in L5
Ensure you describe your problem clearly, I have little time available to solve these problems and do not appreciate numerous changes to them.
A shorter IF function can be obtained by testing for highest numbers first, ie
Give this a go
Last edited by janastead; 03-14-2012 at 09:59 PM.
Did you use the LOOKUP solution?
this one only returned 80
this one gave an error message for too many arguments
this only returns 80 as well( i really apreciate the help tho!
i used lookup and it yeilded 80 only as well... any other ideas?
could you share a sample book?
excel error.JPG
here u go
try this out
excel error 2.JPG
heres another try. it is showing 20 but should be showing 80. it only changes to 80 if it is above 10
looking at you data again, you are working with %'s not whole numbers, 4% is not equal to 4, but .04
try this.
excel error 3.JPG
another try that ohnly yeilds 80
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Re: help with if then function for ranges
looking at you data again, you are working with %'s not whole numbers, 4% is not equal to 4, but .04
try this.
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