Hi sdb
Ok. I think I've got most of it.
a.1)Select all now working. I have modified the form. It doesn't do anything until you hit the Import button, then it does everything. I moved all your old Click macros to a separate Module.
a.2) There was no Checkbox10 (well, it was labelled 11 - they were all out after that). I have added this.
b) Done. It uses the DateValue function to build the date.
c) A bit complicated! It currently uses the sheet number to select a string from a list coded in to the macro. You can use a different value to select the string to use (such as left(wb.name,1)). I have put some comments in the macro. If you can't understand it, just let me know. I have also added a text box to the Form, so that you can override the macro's hard coded note.
I have set up the OEE sheet, and added a new macro to Module2. (BTW - It is not good practice to have two macros with the same name). The new OEELoopThrough macro copies data to the OEE sheet and adds the two columns.
Have a look over my version and let me know if you have any questions.
Cheers, Rob.