Hey Rob,
Do you know how to
(a) make the "select all" button work
(b) I want the form to automatically populate the columns for year and month, only up to the bottom of the list that the macro created. I have the day populate from the macro, but then I would also like a tab that has mm/dd/yyyy. Is this possible to do on auto?
(c) say I wanted to do exactly the same thing as
destn.Offset(0, -1).Resize(40, 1) = Val(Left(wb.Name, 1))
but instead of the name I just want to be able to type into the macro what I want the cells to say, like "1" or "first"
I set up another loop "mod2" just like the transpose one to get another section of data from the same tabs on to another sheet, but the data needs to be transposed. Will the set destn. code work with the autofill code?