Hello all.
I've run into another slight holdup with my restaurant work. I am setting up a sheet to use for menu costing and I need the contents of a cell to be copied in based on a name match from SHEET names.
I know how to do this with VLookup when the names are all gathered in one worksheet, but I don't know how to use this when the names are sheet names within a workbook.
To clarify..
On sheet 1 I enter Apple Sauce into A4. In that same workbook there is a sheet named Apple Sauce (along with maybe a hundred other randomly named sheets.) I want the content of, say, B1 from the Apple Sauce sheet to automatically plug in to sheet 1 B4 when I type Apple Sauce in A4 of sheet 1.
I've used this equation.. =VLOOKUP(A7,[InventoryMain.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$1:$H$1000,8,FALSE).. to accomplish this via a search of a single table on a single sheet. I just don't know how to make it search via the names of sheets in one workbook rather than via a table.
Thanks for any help!