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Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

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    Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Hello and thanks for taking time to try to help out...

    1. I have a log sheet with beginning time(col A), ending time (col B), Incident (col C), Source (col D), initials (col E), and Summary (col F).

    I have drop down boxes for the Incident, Source, and initials. I would like to have the initals from the first line (E2) automatically paste to E? when someone enters information in the summary portion of (F). So, when F#? is edited - E of that same row enters the initials from E2. My people use the same log for their 8 hour shift and there needs to be initials next to every entry but I was trying to save them from having to choose their initials from the drop down box every time they enter information. Also, I can get rid of teh drop down for the initials if they only need to enter them one time I think they can handle that. So, the E2 cell can be entered manually if need be.

    2. As I said, I have drop down boxes. But, I only put them on the first page. When you get to the bottom of the first page and it goes to page 2 the boxes are not there. I copied them down to fill in the first 5 pages but doing that, when you print or print preview it shows/prints 5 pages when there may only really be text on page 1. How to get the set up from page 1 to jump to page 2 when you hit row 44 or whatever row it is that takes you to the next page. I put a button and made a macro but dont like how that does it. Thought their might be a better way, and sure there is. I have only been messing around with excel for a few days playing with this log, trying to get things worked out on it... little to no experience prior. I was trying to do this log sheet on word but couldnt get it to automatically enter the time when you double click in a cell like I can get it to do with excel so trying out excel.

    Last edited by smalltime06; 02-26-2012 at 07:09 PM.

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