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Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

  1. #1
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    Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Hello and thanks for taking time to try to help out...

    1. I have a log sheet with beginning time(col A), ending time (col B), Incident (col C), Source (col D), initials (col E), and Summary (col F).

    I have drop down boxes for the Incident, Source, and initials. I would like to have the initals from the first line (E2) automatically paste to E? when someone enters information in the summary portion of (F). So, when F#? is edited - E of that same row enters the initials from E2. My people use the same log for their 8 hour shift and there needs to be initials next to every entry but I was trying to save them from having to choose their initials from the drop down box every time they enter information. Also, I can get rid of teh drop down for the initials if they only need to enter them one time I think they can handle that. So, the E2 cell can be entered manually if need be.

    2. As I said, I have drop down boxes. But, I only put them on the first page. When you get to the bottom of the first page and it goes to page 2 the boxes are not there. I copied them down to fill in the first 5 pages but doing that, when you print or print preview it shows/prints 5 pages when there may only really be text on page 1. How to get the set up from page 1 to jump to page 2 when you hit row 44 or whatever row it is that takes you to the next page. I put a button and made a macro but dont like how that does it. Thought their might be a better way, and sure there is. I have only been messing around with excel for a few days playing with this log, trying to get things worked out on it... little to no experience prior. I was trying to do this log sheet on word but couldnt get it to automatically enter the time when you double click in a cell like I can get it to do with excel so trying out excel.

    Last edited by smalltime06; 02-26-2012 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Not sure if attachment is working... When I opened it first time all good but closed it and tried to open again and it said it is in read only and is open by"another user" so not sure if you will get it but let me know and I will try again if not. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    1) Leave the E2 cell as is.
    2) Click on E3 and open the Data Validation settings, apply:

    Allow: List
    Source: =Initials

    Error Tab: [ ] Show error (uncheck this)


    3) Now, in D3 enter this formula: =IF(F3="", "", $E$2)

    4) Copy D3 down a ways.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Thanks! That worked, simple as I thought it might be but for someone who has no clue I spent a lot of time trying to look that up before I decided to just post and ask. Thanks again.

    Now for question 2? Any way to keep your formatting the same as page one (I also have some mreged cells f,g,h,i,j) and when I try to merge down to next page it shows that sheet as active (print preview) I only want to see or print what has been typed in but want the next page to be the same as the first when someone goes to the next page...

  5. #5
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Uh, what?

  6. #6
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    when I go to the next page I want to have it work like the first page. But, If I copy and paste down to get the boxes and the cells merged like they are on the first page then when you print preview then it shows however many pages I have copied and pasted to, to get them to look the same as the first page. not sure if this helps or make things worse. Just open my attachment and go to line 44. that page doesnt look like the first. F-J - not merged and if I drag down from the first page to make it before hand then it will show the pages in print preview and I assume print the blank pages.

  7. #7
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    and also, I have IF statements in cells above page 2 and when you go to page 2 the formulas are not there and again if I drag them to go down to the next pages it will light those pages up and show them in print preview.
    Last edited by smalltime06; 02-21-2012 at 11:15 PM.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    You made a lot of effort to design a userform.
    You'd better use the builtin userform facilities in Excel.
    Just use the sheets only as datastorage.

  9. #9
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Snb- No clue what you mean? I have no excel exp at all... Learning on the fly with this one.
    Last edited by smalltime06; 02-21-2012 at 11:17 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Now, I have added some changes to the form. I have a button at the bottom that takes you to the next page (using a macro to fill down to keep formulas and take care of the merge problem I was having with F-j). Now, question is and I have tried several things and keep messing something up along the way... How, when I create the second page to I get another button at the bottom of page 2 to do the same as the button did to get this page but for page 3 and so on. Also along the way deleting the button you just pressed. Like on this one, when you click the button to get page 2, that button disappears... Any help would be awesome. I copied and pasted marcos and tried to string them together to keep it going but something was always not right...
    Last edited by smalltime06; 02-26-2012 at 05:59 PM.

  11. #11
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    I figured out the macro to get the buttons to fill new sheets. Thanks for the help.

  12. #12
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    Re: Text from drop down to paste to different cell when edited and for format next pg

    Here is what I had to do in case anyone else ever has the same problem. I went through and created buttons for every page (I stopped at page 9), copied and pasted the macro to a notepad and then opened the file and pasted all the code together. For my situation my page button starts as button "8" on the first page to get page 2. Probably a simple solution for this other than this but this is what I did...

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    And continue that for however many pages you need. code was too long to paste it all, lol But it just repeats with different cell and button numbers...

    ends with:

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    Last edited by smalltime06; 02-27-2012 at 07:01 PM.

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