I don't know if this is possible but if it is, that would be awesome! Here's what I want to do. I have a drop-down menu created in excel (let's say in cell A1) with different text selections. One of the selections is "Travel Mileage." If choose "travel mileage" from the drop-down menu, I want to either have a pop-up field that has you enter the number of miles traveled in that pop-up field. If I enter, for example 10.75 miles, I want cell B1 to return the value of 10.75 miles X $0.55 = $5.91. If "travel mileage" is not selected, it doesn't do anything. Is this possible in excel? If so, I want to know if it can go one step further and display the number of miles (the number 10.75) next to the word "travel mileage" so that I know what the person entered into the pop-up field.

Please help!
Thank you!!!!