Hi, I'm having some troubles linking the code to a command button in excel 2003 (the attached file is in excel 2011 for mac). I need it work on a work computer using excel 2003. I've attached the new spreadsheet, it has both an autoshape submit button, which works ok, and and a command button - which I like the look of more but can't get to work...... Can you please have a look at the word doc attached, I've got some screen shots of the process I'm using to attach the code to the command button, I'm doing something wrong somewhere along the line.

Another thing, an added feature I'd like to have is, for example, if someone clicks on the "exam type" list and selects "orthopaedics" then I would like a designated list to selectable under the next cell, "exam" - so different lists will appear under "exam" depending on what is selected in "exam type". Is this possible?

Thanks heaps!
