Quote Originally Posted by JBeaucaire View Post
Try this, put this formula in A1:

=LEFT(INT(RAND()*10000000000), 8) + 0

Put this B1:

=CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(1,26)+64) & CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(1,26)+64) & CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(1,26)+64) & TEXT(RANDBETWEEN(1,99999), "00000")

Copy both cells down 6000 rows. Pretty unlikely you'll get any dupes.

I've asked the moderators to move this thread to the appropriate forum.
My bad I posted on the wrong thread.

THANK YOU!! by the way, will I get any duplicates if I copy it down to 200,000 cells? or it will limit me to 6000 (w/o duplicates)?