
I'm trying to calculate totals, per month, dependent on two criteria, (1) date (2) type of expense and am running into problems. I'm sure it must be something simple but I've been staring at it for too long now and I think I'm going cross-eyed.

A sample of my data (3 columns, 8 rows) is as follows:

01-Apr-11 paypal fees 1.71
02-Apr-11 paypal fees 5.18
02-Apr-11 refund - postage 0.60
03-Apr-11 paypal fees 1.19
04-Apr-11 paypal fees 1.58
04-Apr-11 postage 3.44
05-Apr-11 paypal fees 1.70
05-Apr-11 postage 10.81

I would like to find out the sum of column G when the column E contains 'Apr' and column F contains 'paypal'. I type the date in as '01 Apr' and the cells are set to custom dd-mmm-yy.

Ideally I would like to just have the two criteria and match E with 'Apr' but I couldn't get this to work so then I tried to set a 3 criteria formula (1) start date 01-Apr-11 (2) end date 05-Apr-11 (3) contains paypal.

One formulae I tried was:

=SUMIFS('2011-2012 purchases'!$H5:$H$65536,'Apr2011-Mar2012 accounts'!E5:E65536,">="&'Apr2011-Mar2012 accounts'!E5,'Apr2011-Mar2012 accounts'!E5:E65536,"<="&'Apr2011-Mar2012 accounts'!E54,'Apr2011-Mar2012 accounts'!F5:F65536,"paypal*")

but I got the result of zero. I always seem to be getting zero.

Can anyone help me?

Many thanks