Hi Everyone,
I need a code for the following steps to be enacted
1. Save a backup file with the name counts - date.xls (this will be a
daily file)
2. remove rows with name (column B) matching with name in to be
removed sheet
3. copy value in name field and open the corusponding sheet in the
4. once the sheet is active, go to the last row insert current date in
left most collumn and paste the row from raw to master (from Column B)
5. copy the formula in the remailing columns in that sheet from above
6. once updated give a msg = this work is now complete
Conditions -
1. If the sheet does not exist in the master then give an inputbox
informing that we have a new name and asking if a new sheet should be
created or should this be merged with another existing sheet - if user
says yes to new sheet then create a new one with the same headers/
formatting and formulas as the others
2. In the end in the msg box (this work is now complete) it should
contain a summary of unusual events i.e.
A. New name (sheet created)
B. New name (merged with existing sheet)
C. Count for particular name in Column C2 greater than 50 (Name-
column B and count - C2 detail)
I tried my hand on this but got stuck half way. i was not able to find
a way to put condition 3 in the code. 
This is really urgent
....I would be really really really greatful if
someone can help me out here.
Thanks a lot 
I have attached a sample file for test and master with this post along
with my code.