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attempting to dynamically define table with index

  1. #1
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    attempting to dynamically define table with index

    ....i'm almost there...think i'm missing something simple here but been at this for awhile now and would like some help.

    Basically, I would like to replace the 4:8 in this statement with a dynamic range....users will be adding rows above and growing the curent table and I want the calculations on row 17 (attached document) to adjust for a moving/growing table.


    I've tried the following:
    INDEX((MATCH(">>begin<<",B:B,0)+2) : (MATCH(">>end<<",B:B,0)-1),MATCH(B17,INDEX(4:8,,12),1),10)+(B17-INDEX(4:8,MATCH(B17,INDEX(4:8,,12),1),12))*G11

    Basically i've sanwiched the table between two markers (>>begin<< and >>end<<) and i'm trying to use match to find the markers to dynamically define the tables rows...

    any help out there?
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    Last edited by GeneralDisarray; 10-21-2011 at 04:34 PM.
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  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor khamilton's Avatar
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    Re: attempting to dynamically define table with index

    This will expand from B4 to last row with number.Then match what you want. HTH

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert ConneXionLost's Avatar
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    Re: attempting to dynamically define table with index

    Are you saying you cannot organize the data on the sheet to take advantage of Dynamic Named Ranges and augment the formulas?
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Re: attempting to dynamically define table with index

    @ connection lost...the problem is ...this is a template for one part of a report in which there will be many tables like this...and a template of this report will be used to create daily reports.

    So, I didn't want to used named ranges because i plan to copy/paste from the template to start the daily reports....and i've never played with copy/paste creating new named ranges...

    i may try that if i can't get this to work at all. but i was hoping there was a way to just Match some key word to indicate the start row.


    seems like placing match on either side of the colon, Match() : Match() would work (as match is returning a row number and something like 4:8 works well enough)
    Last edited by GeneralDisarray; 10-21-2011 at 03:25 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Re: attempting to dynamically define table with index

    Ok, got it figured out...never done this before so i'm not sure what this technique is called if anything

    Had to replace the STATIC call to 4:8 with -
    INDIRECT("$" & INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>begin<<",A:A,0)+2,1) &":$"& INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>end<<",A:A,0)-1,1) )


    oh, and to do that i had to move the Begin / End tags to the A column and put the row number in column A (next to the table).///

  6. #6
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Re: attempting to dynamically define table with index

    Ok...Solution book attached....had to futz with it a little more....damn typos when i inserted that gigantic formula to replace 4:8

    gonna paste this as it's probably the longest formula i've ever written Adding rows...no problem ... paste to new sheet, no problem

    =INDEX(INDIRECT("$" & INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>begin<<",A:A,0)+2,1) &":$"& INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>end<<",A:A,0)-1,1)),MATCH(B18,INDEX(INDIRECT("$" & INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>begin<<",A:A,0)+2,1) &":$"& INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>end<<",A:A,0)-1,1)),,12),1),11)+(B18-INDEX(INDIRECT("$" & INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>begin<<",A:A,0)+2,1) &":$"& INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>end<<",A:A,0)-1,1)),MATCH(B18,INDEX(INDIRECT("$" & INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>begin<<",A:A,0)+2,1) &":$"& INDEX(1:1048576,MATCH(">>end<<",A:A,0)-1,1)),,12),1),12))*G13

    LOL! it's miller time....
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