I am trying to create a formula not a pivot table of data.
Example data below: First,I am trying to figure out how many "makes" enrolled during every month.(January, February, March....etc) Then from there how many placed orders during their enrollment month.

Make Enrollment Date Order Placed
Cadillac 04/04/2011 04/14/2011
Chevrolet 04/05/2011 04/28/2011
Chrysler 04/08/2011 04/28/2011
Ford 04/04/2011 05/02/2011
Honda 04/07/2011 05/03/2011

I have so far for the month of January =SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH($A$2:$A$5)=1))
And I get the correct number of "makes" enrolled, but how do you figure out if they enrolled in January how many "makes" placed orders during their enrollment month. The order date might not be in the same month as of enrollment month (example if enrolled in January, they might not have placed their order until October)

Please help