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Formula needed for Stats

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lamjoey Formula needed for Stats 09-07-2011, 08:53 AM
Ricker090 Re: Formula needed for Stats 09-07-2011, 01:16 PM
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    Formula needed for Stats


    I need to do some statistic Analysis and need some help wtith IF formula, see example attached -

    1) In Schedule Tab , if Peter has "NY/AP" on 7Sept, individual Tab Volume for Peter for 7 Sept will be pulling the Sum of G6 and H6 (i.e the same column for 7sept).
    Whoever hsa "NY/AP" will have the same apply - see all those in yellow
    Hence User will only need to input the date in G6 and H6 and info will auto populate in B6

    2) I need a formula that will pull info into Desk Vol tab for column B "LDN" automatically based on
    For Schedule tab , if for the same date, it is reflected as "L", then the number indicated in "Individual Tab' for the same person will be included in the vol for Desk VOl
    Example for 1 Sept
    Schedule Tab - Peter , JOhn, Jan and Ken have "L" (only Mandy doesnt)
    Hence their Volume within Individual tab will be SUM up . This will then be added with I2
    I.e (10 +2 +3 + 60) = 75 + 60(I2) = 135 (in green)

    Another example for 2Sept
    Peter + John + Jane + Mandy = 9+6+3+9 = 27 +70 (I3) = 97

    Attached Files Attached Files

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