I was hoping that someone would know how to use Vlookup using the case sensitive function and also return a value that was in another column. An example is below

A1 KK B1 Blue C1 Ab
A2 AB B2 Black C2 JJ
A3 Ab B3 Green C3 AB
A4 kk B4 Red C4 KK

So with the above I would like to have C1 match exactly (case sensitive) to anything in column A and if there is a match I would like to have it fill in a value that is in the B column in the same row, to a new column as where the match was found in the A column Results would look like this

A1 KK B1 Blue C1 Ab D1 Green
A2 AB B2 Black C2 JJ D2
A3 Ab B3 Green C3 AB D3 Black
A4 kk B4 Red C4 KK D4 Blue

Anybody have any idea?