Looking at your formula the only way you could get a REF error is if the sheet named in cell A4 doesn't exist, so you could change your formula to:
=IF(COUNTA(INDIRECT("'" & A4 & "'!A1:A1"))<2,IFERROR(INDEX(INDIRECT("'"&A4&"'!$CW$112:$EA$163"),MATCH(B4,INDIRECT("'"&A4&"'!$b$112:$b$163"),0),MATCH($T$ 2,INDIRECT("'"&A4&"'!$Cw$7:$ea$7"),0)),0),"")
The first COUNTA is just a random operation on the named sheet to see if it exist - if it doesn't you'll get a REF error, because that operation is outside the IFERROR statement.
Mind you, I'm not sure it's any quicker than the long-winded formula