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how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    Hi everybody

    I,m new here

    my problem is as follows:

    I have Two excel sheets

    first sheet :has employees data with (id,name,job,department)
    second sheet :is a form which has
    1- three textboxes (name ,job,department)
    2-a label filled with the id of an employee

    what I want is to write if function to compare the id from the two sheets and when it is the same id ...I want the name ,job,department to be filled from the first sheet to the text boxes in the second sheet.

    more explanation:I want the if function to do multiple missions (to fill many cells with their values at once )

    so can I do this with if function and how ??

    I really appreciate any help cause I really need this in my new work

    thaxx in advance
    Last edited by Dalal; 08-29-2011 at 04:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    I think you really need VLOOKUP, see the example here
    Hope that helps.

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  3. #3
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    Talking Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    Hi RoyUK

    thaxx ...I think Vlookup is wat I need

    But I want Vlookup to bring data from multiple columns to multiple form boxes in the same time (by writing one function ) , maybe using a combination from ' if ' function and vlookup
    or a nested vlookup if this is possible ...

    I'm not sure about how this could be done .

    if a combination could be written, please write me a short example code for that

    Thank U again for helping .

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    VLOOKUP() will provide all 3 pieces of information. You just need to edit the 3rd parameter to indicate which column in the vlookup range to return a value from.

    =VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!$A:$D, 2, 0)
    =VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!$A:$D, 3, 0)
    =VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!$A:$D, 4, 0)
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  5. #5
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    thaxx Jerry for help
    but wat u said is a three steps if i have a three columns

    wat i am asking is :
    can i merge those three steps in one

    i want my data to come from multiple columns into multiple form boxes in one shot

    wat may help is a macro which has all the vlookup together ...so can i do this ??

    I want the more professional solution if there is one .


  6. #6
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    You said:
    if a combination could be written, please write me a short example code for that.
    However you asked a very general question and got a very general answer. No one can write a macro with vapor data.
    You should have at least provided a sample workbook with some data that actually reflects your real workbook.
    You should also have tried to write your own macro by starting the macro recorder and recording all the steps you want.
    Then we can help you to generalize the macro to work at the click of a button.
    Ben Van Johnson

  7. #7
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    Wink Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    I guess U r right i must give an example to wat i need ....sorry

    anyway I'm new in using functions in excel so I donno wat considered genral question and wat not .

    by the way when I said i want a professional solution i meant that I need your patience with me if I discussed more and more .

    But It seem U will kill me protonleah


    I liked this forum and I will stay here

  8. #8
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    No onw is going to kill you and ProtonLeah isn't even being harsh with you. He's indicated useful things you can do to help us help you.

    So, are you going to provide more or are we done for now?
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 08-21-2011 at 05:05 AM.

  9. #9
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    Have you looked at my example workbook?

  10. #10
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    Wink Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    Thaxx all for helping >>>Yes... every thing is good and vlookup is working

    RoyUK ...yes I try your example and understand it ...I appreciate this

    But I have new questions about : isna and macros

    1- what is the work of (isna) and how to use it .

    2- how can i assign a value of a2 -as example - to b4 -as example -

    generally I want to put a [copy baste] operation in a larger macro

    --the value is diffrent in each sheet i want to apply the macro on -
    so i want the macro to take it as variable or cell value not as a static number

    I donno how to say more than thaxx .... how to say this ??

  11. #11
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    Why are you first asking for function help then move to macros?

  12. #12
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    Red face Re: how to write if function to assign values to multiple cells not only one

    when I registered here I wanted functions
    But during my work I needed macros to complete the work quickly .

    so I thought I can ask u here in same forum .

    But if this is against forum rules , I will ask in the macros forum

    obviously ... I got a job recently
    and my knowledge in excel is very simple ...
    I donno about vba coding or excel complex functions
    so with time I will need help in many random subjects .

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