I am trying to convert a =sumifs formula from excel 2007 into excel 2003. I have tried to use sumproduct and sum(if(( ... but both do not like the fact that I am comparing to a date (if the date in an aray field is greater then value one (a cell) and less than another (another cell) and the employee name matches then it adds up the ammount of time. I have attached the excel 2007 formula. When I use either of the two methods above it returns a #num error and the erro checking points to the two referece date cells.
Any help is certainly appreciated!!
=_xlfn.SUMIFS('Time Sheet Records'!K:K,'Time Sheet Records'!D:D,">"&'Payroll Calculations'!$M$3,'Time Sheet Records'!C:C,'Payroll Calculations'!C6,'Time Sheet Records'!D:D,"<"&('Payroll Calculations'!$M$4+1))
Column K:K - hours
Column D:D - date
Column C:C - name
Table currently has over 8000 records and rising - 30K - 40K final estimate