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Have cell text fill portion of static hyperlink

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Have cell text fill portion of static hyperlink

    I'd like to have excel create a link to a fixed google map based on text from another cell. Here's a link I found to provide a static google map of any location:


    That link will produce a static map of Boston, MA. But I can't get Excel to fill that small portion of the link that specifies location with whatever I type in a different cell.

    Example: In cell A1, I have "Boston, MA". In cell A2, I would like to have excel replace a portion of a fixed link with the text from A1.

    http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=THIS PART HERE SHOULD FILL WITH THE ADDRESS FROM CELL A1&zoom=15&size=512x512&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false

    But whenever I type:


    The map produced actually uses the text A1, rather than the text from the cell A1.

    How do I get it to populate the text from the cell into that portion of the link?

    Last edited by NBVC; 06-13-2011 at 07:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Have cell text fill portion of static hyperlink



    I am not sure, though if you should have a ; or , to separate link_location from friendly_name in formula... seeing as you are in North Carolina?

    .. if above doesn't work, try:

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Have cell text fill portion of static hyperlink

    You can make this more helpful:

    =HYPERLINK("http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center="&A1&"&zoom=15&size=512x512&maptype=roadmap&sensor=false","Map of " & A1)

    Which will then display "Map of Boston, MA" rather than just "map"

    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  4. #4
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    Re: Have cell text fill portion of static hyperlink

    Solved my problem! Thank you!

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