I'm not sure how to phrase this exactly so it's making it hard for me to search for the answer. I'm trying to analyze sports data and what I want Excel to do is to find a pattern, stop when it gets to a certain conditioin, then give me data three rows below it. If my spreadsheet read:

1 Reds W:13-2
2 Reds L:1-6
3 Reds W:10-8
4 Cardinals L:2-8
5 Cardinals W:13-8
6 Cardinals L:5-15
7 Giants L:2-5
8 Giants L:3-5
9 Giants W:6-5
10 Phillies W:4-0
11 Phillies W:7-5
12 Phillies L:4-8
13 Cubs W:11-2
14 Cubs L:2-4
15 Cubs L:3-5
16 Cubs W:4-3

I want Excel to see the three "L:" in column C, stop when a blank rowcomes up, skip down three rows, then give me the value in column A. In this example, Excel sees c6,c7,c8 and the blank c9. Skips rows 10,11,12, and gives me the value of A13. If C13 doesn't contain "L:" then it will give me the value of A14. I would like for this to work with both "L:" and "W:" and for the patterns to not overlap. Is this possible? Is what I'm asking for even make sense? Thanks in advance.