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Changing a file name in a formula with data validation

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  1. #1
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    Re: Changing a file name in a formula with data validation

    I'm having another issue...
    I'm trying to compare 2011 and 2010 data on the same sheet, but when I copy the formula to an adjacent cell, changing only the year of the file path from:


    and I close the original 2011 file and open the 2010 file, the 2011 numbers revert to 0's while the 2010 numbers calculate to the correct values.

  2. #2
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    Re: Changing a file name in a formula with data validation

    The file has also become extremely slow. Is this a product of using the INDIRECT.EXT function? And is there a solution?

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Cutter's Avatar
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    Re: Changing a file name in a formula with data validation

    Sorry for late response - busy with other things yesterday.

    I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer for you with regard to the formula producing 0's when the source file is closed. But I would suggest you have a look at the link for the INDIRECT.EXT() again (http://xcell05.free.fr/morefunc/engl...direct.ext.htm) and specifically the section "MODE" Argument as well as the Remarks that immediately follow.

    As for slowing things down - INDIRECT() is one of the volatile functions (see here for others: http://www.decisionmodels.com/calcsecretsi.htm) so it will slow things down if there are a lot of volatile functions in play but I wouldn't expect a couple to have much of an impact. Do you have any others?

    Try putting a trigger on the formulas to test:
    Change the AA1 cell to any other cell not currently in use and place a 1 in the cell to have the calculations take place and remove the 1 when you don't need the calculations to happen.
    I've used that method with a bunch of SUMPRODUCT()'s in order to control when they calculate.

  4. #4
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    Re: Changing a file name in a formula with data validation

    Hey Cutter,

    After reading this thread, I have a similar problem, I want to do the same thing as acellis9; however, I want to add a VLOOKUP to find an account value in the file I am looking for. Is there a way to do this?

    Thus the formula I have now (without your advice above about INDIRECT) =

    =VLOOKUP(E15,'[TB-SMID 7.11.xls]Sheet3'!$A$1:$N$27,12,FALSE)

    E15 is a Account Number from the Trial Balance that the formula searches for in the TB it is looking up. I would like to make the "7.11" part of the formula a cell that can easily be changed. Any help would be great, thanks so much.

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