Sorry for late response - busy with other things yesterday.
I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer for you with regard to the formula producing 0's when the source file is closed. But I would suggest you have a look at the link for the INDIRECT.EXT() again ( and specifically the section "MODE" Argument as well as the Remarks that immediately follow.
As for slowing things down - INDIRECT() is one of the volatile functions (see here for others: so it will slow things down if there are a lot of volatile functions in play but I wouldn't expect a couple to have much of an impact. Do you have any others?
Try putting a trigger on the formulas to test:
Change the AA1 cell to any other cell not currently in use and place a 1 in the cell to have the calculations take place and remove the 1 when you don't need the calculations to happen.
I've used that method with a bunch of SUMPRODUCT()'s in order to control when they calculate.